Archive for Health

Knee Pain

Will I need a Knee Replacement?

kneeThe knee is supported by the structures below it and it is therefore subject to the function of the ankle and the foot.  Foot pain has been discussed in another article and it is recommended to read the article on Foot pain as well.  Reduced arch or pronation of the foot, which takes place in a large number of cases, is the cause of internal rotation of the ankle bone.

The joint between the leg bone and the ankle bone is shaped like a mortise joint; therefore internal rotation of the ankle bone causes internal rotation of the leg bone. As this bone rotates, the knee follows as a unit because of the ligaments on the front, sides and back of the knee. This causes the knee joint to open on the inside and close on the outside of the joint. This creates uneven wear and tear in the joint.

If you were to drive your car with poor and dysfunctional alignment, you would wear all the tread off your tires. This is repairable by getting an alignment done and then you don’t wear all the tread off your tires. When the foot and ankle are out of alignment you wear away the cartilage in your knee joints, hence the need for knee replacement surgeries.

Correction of the alignment of the foot and ankle is paramount in correcting knee pain. Have orthotics made at Orthotics2Go 519-900-2423 to correct this problem by going to the cause. Properly made orthotics corrects this problem immediately and permanently.

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    Foot Pain

    The foot is subject to constant ongoing stresses

    footbonesWe walk on hard surfaces with shoes that do not fit the foot in the most ideal way.  Because of the weight being born on the foot, there is much stress and strain on the muscles, ligaments, tendons, joint surfaces and other holding elements.  This leads to reduction in the arch of the foot, otherwise know as pronation, and weakening of the holding elements.  As the arch begins to deteriorate the foot falls, lengthens and widens. Two of the three key muscles which hold the arch in the original pristine position become dysfunctional and loose their tonicity.

    This allows the deformation of the foot to continue until the plantar facia reaches it maximum ability to stretch and then begins to be pulled away from the boney attachments. This stimulates a reaction in the bone whereby the bone begins to lay down calcium in the ligamentous structures (plantar faciitis). Inflammation ensues with the person experiencing painful irritation of the nerves in the area.

    all Codes bankthe nerves in the area.

    Pain can travel along nerves and be experienced in many different areas of the foot.  Sometimes as the tarsal bones get jammed, there can be pain on the top of the foot.

    The solution to this problem is to turn the muscles on, restructure the foot so that it approximates the original arch and make a pair of orthotics to fit the corrected boney arch. The boney arch and the orthotics need to congruent.  In 8 out of 10 cases, the fitting of orthotics by this method removes the foot pain immediately and permanently. Call now 519-900-2423

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