
Older Testimonials

Since being fitted with Orthotics…I’m able to do physical activities now without the concern that I will hurt my back as easily as I have in the past. This is a real bonus and certainly well worth the cost…
Sam Ogilvie
Production Support Manager, DALSA Corporation
I must express to you my appreciation for the shoe inserts you provided me with. They have provided greater comfort to me, and I’m also grateful for you helpful advice regarding healthy treatments and posture. Thank you so much for the insight and the help. Wishing you continuing success in helping other benefit as I have…
Paul Harris – Hamilton, Ontario
I want to thank you for what you have done for me. When I came to see you, I was telling you how many problems had with my feet,legs and back. You then proceeded to fit me with my shoe inserts. I had no idea that I would feel better right away. Before I would have trouble walking after a few hours on my feet and eventually the pain went right up my leg. After I saw you I was amazed at the results. At my work I am on my feet all day, so it was great not to have that nagging pain in my leg and back…
Phil Muys – Hamilton, Ontario

May 8, 2008

Dear Sylvia,

It is with great pleasure that I write to you to thank you for the “pain free” knees. I had chronic knee pain which would prevent me from jogging. Ascending stairs was painful near the top. My back would ache. I had orthotics from a number of other places, always without success. The pain was such that I welcomed the hour drive to Hamilton, in hopes that you could live up to your promises. YOU DID!!!

I now can jog without knee pain and ascend stairs. My back is much better. When I abuse my back, I use your realignment advice and get myself pain free again in no time.

Your orthotics and advice have made a significant improvement to my quality of life. It has been about 20 months since I received your orthotics. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If any would-be patients are skeptical, please show them my letter and invite them to call me to verify this letter, as I would like other people to also enjoy life more.


Bruce Miles, M.B.A.
30 Granby Court, Brampton, ON, L6S 5K1

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One comment

  1. Royce Hamer says:

    I am recovering from a car accident from 3 years ago and trying to loose weight I walk 6 km each day in 2 km sessions. Each walk resulted in pain or tenderness on the inside of each leg. I met Sylvia at a business meeting and took the leap and had my feet fitted with Orthotics. My first 2 km walk surprised me with no leg pain, since that session I have performed about a dozen walks with no leg pain. Recently I was standing talking with some friends and I noticed that after 30 minutes I was not looking for a chair. For several years now I was unable to stand in one spot for more than 3-5 minutes now I appear to have no problems in this area. Most people do not realize just how critical the feet are to the rest of the body. German soldiers in WW II were fitted with Orthotics to prevent them from experiencing crippling conditions in the army.
    Royce Hamer retired and health coach.

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