About Sylvia

Sylvia Shackletonsyl

worked in a brokerage firm in Toronto for five years before deciding to go into nursing.

She graduated from St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing in 1970. That year she enrolled in the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. She worked her way through College by working as a nurse in all the major hospitals in the Toronto area.

After graduating in l975 she moved to Brantford and took up practicing Chiropractic utilizing the technique of Applied Kinesiology.

This proved satisfying but there was more to learn so she enrolled in the Ontario College of Naturopathic Medicine, graduating in l981.

A determined search into the underlying cause of people’s aches and pains and their recurrences lead to the development of three breakthrough approaches in the handling of acute and chronic conditions.

These three approaches include: 1. Custom Molding of Foot Orthotics, 2. Posture Program for repositioning spinal disc, and 3. Priority Muscle Balancing, which turns the circuits back on in the body. Call now 519-900-2423

One comment

  1. I understand you have treated my IT gal Donna Hamilton and she buy orthotics. Seems by the sound of it her back has improved considerably.
    To my problem: I am still suffering with the eczema type issue on my right leg; and it has now travelled to other parts of my body.
    Donna and I talked about this and she said you should see Sylvia…

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